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A few months ago, I was approached about having Governor Mike Huckabee preach at our church. For those of you who don’t know, he is a former governor of the state of Arkansas and a candidate in the upcoming presidential election.

I immediately saw that having him come preach at TBC Cayce would be a great honor as well as an excellent opportunity. Even if he were not running for office it would still be a joy to have him.

When we talk about politics and the local church, people inevitably will raise questions about how much the church should engage in politics. My belief is that the church should be fully involved in every area of our culture, working as an agent of change in order to align the practices of people here on earth with those of God’s Kingdom.

I want to take a moment to explain why I believe it will be a great blessing to have the former governor preach at Trinity Baptist Church Cayce on Sunday, January 17 at 9:30 a.m.

Politicians Are Real People Too

To begin with, it’s important that we remember Governor Huckabee is a former pastor and a man of God who loves God and now feels led to serve the Lord through the political arena. He isn’t just a politician.

The men and women running for president (as well as the man who is our current president) are real people just like you and me. We tend to dehumanize political figures far too much, and we often forget that there is more to them than just their political careers.

I hope that having a presidential candidate here at our church will help us to remember this reality.

I also hope that it will remind us to follow the biblical mandate to pray. The Bible commands us to pray for our leaders, and I assume this also means those who could potentially be our leaders in the future. I believe Governor Huckabee’s presence will encourage us to pray for our leaders and those who are in the process of becoming a leader.

I don’t know about you, but if If I were running for president I would want the prayers of all believers.

Community Outreach

Perhaps more than anything else, I believe this is a chance for us to reach people in the community we love with the Gospel. There are many people who might come to hear Governor Huckabee that might otherwise never attend a church.

With all of this in mind, I want to conclude by reiterating the following: Governor Mike Huckabee is coming to preach, not campaign.

I believe that as important as political decisions are, there are no words more important than those we speak about Jesus. As a pastor, I am not asking you to vote for any particular candidate but to pray and listen to the Spirit’s leading in your heart concerning who you should vote for.

I’d ask that you never let political differences cause disunity in the body of Christ and that our conversations of hope be centered on Christ and not candidates.

Candidates may be the means of God’s work in our nation but Christ will always be our hope and salvation.

I’m excited to have Governor Huckabee come to TBC Cayce. I’m looking forward to hearing his spiritual insight about the role of the president. I’m also interested to hear about the condition of the nation from the perspective of someone who loves the Lord and is also running for the position of President of the United States.

Let us welcome him with Christian love.

Many blessings,

For Christ and His Kingdom.

Are you coming to TBC Cayce to see Governor Huckabee? Let us know over on our Facebook event, and invite your friends to come as well!

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